1. If you have any kind of doubts or need any kind of information about this website, please feel free to reach out to our contact page.
2. Information on this website will be published for general information purposes and for good faith purposes only, We keep an aim of uploading atleast two articles in a week
3. I advise you to consult a qualified healthcare professional before making any kind of medical decision
4. The action that you take with this information from this website is completely at your risk
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Disclaimer for Pregnancy
- Content on our website related to pregnancy is just for informational purposes only
- Pregnancy is very sensitive, Information shared on this website may not be applicable to everyone
- We highly recommend consulting your doctor or professional healthcare expert, before making any decisions
- Our website is not responsible for any kind of complications effecting from using this website
- Your healthcare provider is the best source of medical advice
Disclaimer for Thyroid
- On this website, we provide information related to thyroid disorder and its complexes
- Our website is not responsible for any decision made based on the content provided
- This website is only meant for informational purposes only which should never be replace with healthcare
- Consult Endocrinologist if you suspect thyroid treatment
- Content is based on research and publicly available resources and some are from personal experience which should not be substituted for medical expertise